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Getting Started

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A simple and easy to use module for creating discord bots. This packages received interactions over HTTP instead of the normal Discord Gateway that is used by packages like discord.js.

DisciJS aims to provide a easy to use approach for building simple discord applications.


There major drawbacks with the interaction webhook feature, think about your use case before using.

webhook interaction are majorly limited on what it can receive. Gateway (discord.js etc) is recommended if you need realtime events


  • Typescript (recommended)
  • node.js (for tools such as npm and scripts)
  • Tools required for your environment (node, wrangler, etc.)

Before you begin...

To create a bot You must have a decent grasp in concepts of javascript and node.js. If you don't know JS but would like to learn it, Below links will help you get started.

Javascript resources

Node.js Resources

Take your pick. Once you are confident with the language come back here and build a AWESOME BOT : )